O To Be Like Thee, by Kassie Angle

Image result for o to be like thee kassie angle

Wartime friendships are almost legendary. There’s nothing quite like between the bond between soldiers who know their lives depend on each other.
“That’s the thing, though. Your best friend’s life depends on you. That’s not always an easy responsibility.
“And to make things worse, there’s that little blue-eyed boy in Texas who recognizes your uniform and not your face, and somehow his broken heart learns to love you…
~from the back cover

Title: O To Be Like Thee: How Deep Love Runs

Author: Kassie Angle

Genre(s): Christian Military Fiction

Rating: ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ (four stars)

Romance Content: N/A

Recommended age range: 13+, because of some tough issues handled

My Review:

This book was very revealing about the army, and I think that’s what Miss Angle wanted it to be. One part in the epilogue was funny to me– “I have no idea whose hands this book may end up in– you may have absolutely zero experience with the Army”– because that’s almost where I am! (I did read Miss Angle’s second book, Tattered Wings, first, so I did know some about the topics covered.) But I did learn a lot about the army, about deployment, about some of the things soldiers go through, and more, from this book.

For some reason, I didn’t really attach/connect with the characters or the story, and a couple things were a little confusing (I had a hard time keeping track of a couple character’s names). Perhaps it would have been better if I read it all in one sitting, but that’s kinda hard to do when it’s 396 pages long. 😛 A couple scenes were heart-tugging, but none as heart-tugging as those in Tattered Wings. However, there wasn’t much wrong with this book, per se, although I didn’t agree with the MC (main character) lying to people because he didn’t want them to feel bad (like saying they would get better when he didn’t think they would). There wasn’t a lot of mention of accepting Christ as your Saviour, going to church, reading your Bible, or trying to follow God, which may or may not be a big deal. Also, I don’t agree with glorifying soldiers, especially at church.

Despite the things I mentioned above, I think this would be a good book to read for anyone who doesn’t know much about the army and would like to learn more, as well as for those who do know a lot about it! It was an interesting book and I would recommend it!

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